Sunday, March 27, 2005

pcode for the parser

Public Function Parser(ByVal strLogFileName)

'this will be contained in a module, separate from the form code
' the main form click event (when user selects the log file?)
' will call this function, passing the log file name as a string

On Error GoTo Err_Oh_Crap

   Dim strTempVar
   Dim theObject, orTheArray   ' ?

' open the file for reading
'   open strLogFileName

While Not EOF

'   begin parsing each line ... using Left$()
'   assigning values to the object props or array items
'   put the comma's into strTempVar


' successful read/parse of log file
' return value to calling form

   Parser = True


   Exit Function

' let user know there was an error
   MsgBox "The log file could not be parsed ... or something", _
      vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Oh crap!"

' set return val of function to signify an error
   Parser = False

   Resume Err_Exit_The_Parser

End Function