Tuesday, February 15, 2005

ad hoc meeting minutes :: 2.15.5 @ 2000

Below are the meetings of the brief myJabber conference conducted on Feb 15, 2005 ...

* SlackerMike notes the official start time of mtg as 8:08
[20:08] SlackerMike Says: hehe .. so i know where to start cutting to put on blog
[20:08] SlackerMike Says:
[20:09] jd_black Says: ok, I think I've got it....
[20:09] jd_black Says: yes, yes I do.
[20:09] SlackerMike Says: is that better?
[20:09] jd_black Says:
[20:09] jd_black Says: Who picks the subject here?
[20:09] SlackerMike Says: whomever wants to
[20:10] jd_black Says: oh. I just haven't ever seen it change..
[20:10] jd_black Says: stand by one....brb
SlackerMike has changed the subject to: i sure am glad this is my last semester at rsu
SlackerMike has changed the subject to:
i sure am glad this is my last semester at rsu
[20:11] SlackerMike Says:
[20:11] SlackerMike Says: it looks to me like our next project assignment will not be due until next wed (feb 23rd)
[20:12] docbob Says: but we still have to be doing work so we can report what we did ot did not do
[20:12] SlackerMike Says: yeah, hence this meeting ... hehehe
[20:12] SlackerMike Says: i was looking at syllabus and the next part to be turned in is an analysis model
[20:13] SlackerMike Says: no ... sorry ... design document
[20:14] SlackerMike Says: should our team leader change every actual week, or with every "milestone"? what do you guys think?
[20:15] docbob Says: I do not care, I just need to have someone tell me what they expect of me asap so I can put it on to do list. or I need to tell everyone, either way I need to know what we are expecting. I am too stressed as it is.
[20:16] jd_black Says: I'm back....sorry.
[20:16] SlackerMike Says: wb jd
[20:16] SlackerMike Says:
[20:16] jd_black Says: just glad to be here.
[20:17] jd_black Says: Who is supposed to be the team leader this week?
[20:17] SlackerMike Says: well, why don't i email mac as week leader and tell him we are drafting the next stage ... design document
[20:18] SlackerMike Says: that is what we can turn in our weekly reports as well
[20:18] docbob Says: sounds ok, what do you need from me.
[20:18] SlackerMike Says: (mike hasn't been bothering to do ... 'cept post in the journal)
[20:18] jd_black Says: Does the group report need to be turned in on a weekly basis or assignment basis?
[20:18] SlackerMike Says: i'll start another doc, after i read about what they're s'posed to look like, and then we'll round-robin it over the next week ... not due until 23rd so
[20:18] SlackerMike Says: ?
[20:19] docbob Says: jimmy, it says weekly someplace.
[20:19] SlackerMike Says: jd, i would be the "leader" this week, then bob, rebecca, you and around and around it goes
[20:19] SlackerMike Says: hehehe
[20:20] jd_black Says: I thought it would be on an assignment basis since the group leader is supposed to "grade" each group member's work on the assignment.
[20:21] SlackerMike Says: that would seem to make more sense huh? i will include that question in email to mac this week
[20:21] jd_black Says: re: "who's the leader", okay.....I should probably put it in my calendar so I'd remember.
[20:21] jd_black Says: sounds good, thanks.
[20:21] SlackerMike Says: that's what i'm here for
[20:21] SlackerMike Says: lol
[20:21] SlackerMike Says:
[20:21] docbob Says: am pulling up class page to see what it says
[20:22] SlackerMike Says: my apologies, btw, for missing the last group mtg ... i overslept (hmmm kinda what i did tonight ... wanted to get some h/w done this evening too!)
[20:22] SlackerMike Says: do either of you guys have a developing environment preference? i know we agreed on VB for application language, but does everyone have the same version - i have version 6
[20:23] jd_black Says: No problem with me....I missed the first one when I was out of town.
[20:23] docbob Says: i have 6 also
[20:23] jd_black Says: I have all the versions so it doesn't matter....
[20:23] SlackerMike Says: that's why we put hte transcript on hte blog
[20:23] SlackerMike Says: ok ... VB6 is dev language
[20:24] jd_black Says: I need to uninstall the educational version I installed last semester and install a full copy from my MSDN subscription....
[20:25] docbob Says: from sylabus: The project will be selected in the first two weeks of class with approval by the instructor. Leaders in each group will be rotated each week. The leader will make assignments to the members of the group and prepare the report of the week's goals which will be submitted on line. Each student will record a description of what he or she has done individually on the project.as well as general impressions using the journal tool. A formal presentation should be prepared by the group upon completion of the requirements, design, completion of testing and finally completion of the entire project.
[20:26] docbob Says: so we rotate leader each week is the way I read it.
[20:26] SlackerMike Says: yes
[20:26] SlackerMike Says: even though, what would have been the purpose of obtaining his approval for the initial leader?
[20:27] docbob Says: I do not know.
* SlackerMike shrugs
[20:28] SlackerMike Says: i am drafting an email to mac
[20:29] docbob Says: ok
[20:29] jd_black Says: thanks...
[20:29] docbob Says: I am doing a few things at once here so excuse me if I do not respond quickly.
[20:32] SlackerMike Says: np ... what do you guys think of this:
[20:32] SlackerMike Says:

Group NameBlack-Fairbairn-Ferguson-Morton
Week Ending On2.16.5
LeaderMichael Fairbairn
Progress ReportOur project is beginning to take shape within the collective group mind. This week’s accomplishments/milestones:

  • Online meeting to discuss weekly report, tasks pending, and minor technical details concerning the project.

  • Goalsetting for next milestone, due Feb 23rd, 2005.

Next LeaderRobert Morton
Goals for Next WeekCompletion of the Design Document for submission and approval.

[20:34] docbob Says: looks good, what do I need to doto help this week, or do you have it under control Mike?
[20:34] jd_black Says: Looks good to me, too, Mike.
[20:36] SlackerMike Says: i will try to get a design doc draft circulating (email and blog) by friday latest!
[20:36] jd_black Says: thanks for getting that started......
[20:36] SlackerMike Says: that's what i'm here for
[20:36] SlackerMike Says: LOL
[20:37] SlackerMike Says: i had another question to ask , concerning something rebecca had mentioned earlier ...
[20:37] docbob Says: ok, then I can take the turn with the document from there.
[20:38] docbob Says: spit it out mike
[20:39] SlackerMike Says: hehe
[20:39] SlackerMike Says: how do we want to divide up the actual development tasks, i can see where it is better to have all of us contributing to the planning and designing process
[20:40] SlackerMike Says: but, once we get to development, i think rebecca is right, about dividing into teams (subteams, if you will)
[20:40] jd_black Says: Good idea.
[20:40] SlackerMike Says: maybe 2 work on UI design and other 2 on code
[20:40] SlackerMike Says: ?
[20:41] jd_black Says: ditto.
[20:41] docbob Says: would be the best I would think.
[20:41] SlackerMike Says: i know it's easier for me to browbeat ,... er ... convince 1 classmate that my code makes sense than it is 3 ...
[20:41] SlackerMike Says:
[20:42] jd_black Says: lmao....
[20:42] SlackerMike Says:
[20:42] SlackerMike Says: email is sent to mac, cc'd everyone
[20:43] docbob Says: no comment on browbeating Mike. I refuse to comment on the obvious
[20:43] SlackerMike Says: that is because you are smarter than most people bob
[20:43] SlackerMike Says: ... and you've worked with me before!
* docbob nods
[20:45] SlackerMike Says: i'll post this mtg transcript to the blog as well .. .so we have a "record" to point our individual journals to ... hahaha


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